Shorts: Tom Bombadil


Killing the Forward Momentum of the Story Since 1954.

Hey! Come derry dols! Lord of the Rings, the fantasy epic that birthed a genre and a thousand black light posters, has confused many a reader. Just as the story gets momentum, BAM! The narrative is stopped for three chapters with an interlude about a silly, singing, enigma who is immune to the evil of The One Ring but does nothing about it. What are we to make of this man with boots of yellow? Is he a god? Is he nature? Is he just there to party?  Join us as we explore one of the oddest - and merriest - characters in fiction: Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadil(lo).

Our theme song is by Tawny Frogmouth.

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Dave’s daughter Abigail’s invention: Tom Bombadil Pickles!


Meet the Meerkats 2: 2 Kats 2 Furryous


Apocalypse Madness